niedziela, 31 grudnia 2006

sobota, 16 grudnia 2006

PRZEtwory, Warszawa

16, 17 grudnia w starych zakładach PZO, na warszawskeij Pradze, w ramach Projektupraga, odbyły się recyclingowe przeTWORY na których to miałam swoje stoisko. Było supcio! Pozdrawiam swoich sąsiadów czyli pana i pania kierowniczkę z PanTuNieStał.

Na stoisku można było znaleść mnóstwo gadżetów min armię bunny_terminatorów siedzących pod choinką i raczących się prezentem od mikołaja, słomkowe kolczyki i bajkowe kalejdoskopy!

piątek, 15 grudnia 2006


Bunny has visited guys in Cracow and fell in love with LadyBlueBunny_terminator and they decided to stay together! Lovely, isn't it. Hre is my mom and daddy. They are sweet, aren't they?

Bunny_terminator pojechał na przedświateczna wycieczke do Krakowa. Tam malował w liceum plastycznym, jeździł w wózku po Starym Rynku, ujeżdżał kota oraz zakochał się po uszy w Pani BlueBunny_terminatorowej! Myślę, że jest to początek całkiem owocnego romansu.

wtorek, 14 listopada 2006

Florida- visiting Scott Snyder

I have arrived on Florida! Thanks to Scott Snyder I experienced quite a lot of unexpected attractions. I was there till the end of the year 2006.

Here is Scott and his student. See, he is a freak :)

But he was in a constant email contact with my mom so she didn't know that.....

... I didn't have an easy life abroad. Here, I was forced to fight with the locals. Takishi was tough...

...but we finally made friends.

Moreover, I was in prison because Scott had a car accident. I almost felt like Paris Hilton.

Nice wrack, isn't it? Hopefully we survived.

This is me in prison.

and here behind bars...

and here in a prison toilet...

I suffered some injuries and underwent some treatment.

Thank you Scott for such fruitful time!

Then I was sent to Mahler to Los Angeles to take some breath and rest.

niedziela, 5 listopada 2006

Marakesh is damn hot

Some time ago, I can't even remember when I was in Marakesh with Agna.

I made some friendships with local monkeys and sweated like a pig. Have a look.

niedziela, 29 października 2006

holla amigos

I am in Mexico with Dagmarita!

This is me and ancient piramides of the sun and luna.

And pretty soon I am going on Florida. Bunny_terminator Fight Club Mafia is spreading! Thanks guys!

wtorek, 10 października 2006

Galeria Ikona

Here are my nice hosts in Galeria Ikona in Lodz.

During exhibition one may fell lonely and sometimes needs a walk.

piątek, 6 października 2006

Some press articles and tv presentations

some tv, nr 27, 15:27 minute of the programme

czwartek, 5 października 2006

some movie clips

we drank this

and then danced like this:


Biennale LODZ 2006 Bunny terminator tour Party

I left Warsaw 3rd of July and came back 26th September. During that time I experienced so many advantures that he decided to rest a bit in Galeria Ikona in Lodz, Poland. That is why, on the 5th October Mirella organized a big party to welcome me and let me tell us the story of my travells.


my Mom Mirella

my guests

my guests with me

my hosts in Galeria Ikona, Lodz

meditation on a carrot

poniedziałek, 2 października 2006

Although I am not made in China...

I took a chance and went with Justa and Maciek to China.

wtorek, 26 września 2006

Mission completed

This mission is now completed!
Next one will be year.
However it doesn' t mean you cannot buy me forever for your own purposes and send my mom Mirella some photos of me and you at your place ( if you know what I mean)
I would like to thank everyone for taking part in the project! Cheers and take care!

I am back!!!


The great return of nasty bunny_terminator to his Mirella von Chrupek!
Thanks everyone for taking part in bunny's adventure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

piątek, 15 września 2006

I am closer then you think....

Finally after some time bunny_terminator is back on the Old Continent and is staying in Dublin. Now Zbys is hosting our little brat who is due to fly to Warsaw on Monday! Stay tuned.
Here is Zbyś.

czwartek, 17 sierpnia 2006

Than we take NY!

Bunny got to NYC to Ethan.

He plans to fly in parcel to Zbys on Friday. Let's hope everything will go smoothly. Our mission starts to be 'time sensitive' just like in Filias Fog's case.

piątek, 11 sierpnia 2006

U.S and A

Fairfield, Connecticut, U.S.A
Hurray! Everything so far has been going smoothly, thanks to you folks! Bunny is now visiting Yale with Agnieszka.

This week he will be in New York.

czwartek, 3 sierpnia 2006

Finally in Valenzia

It appeared that Dagmara's vacations didn't interfered with the postal service in Spain. She managed to go and come back from her vacations. Bunny had only a 3 days' delay. Now he flies to USA. Wish him luck!
Here is my beloved Dagmara.

poniedziałek, 17 lipca 2006

I am stuck says Bunny


We have ext complications with bunny who probably is inside his box in one of the Spanish post offices waiting for Dagmara to take him home! Dagmara hurry.He has only one carrot left inside his bag! Poor little brat!

wtorek, 11 lipca 2006

to London

Bunny's in London. Unfortunatelly, my route had to be changed so that everyone who wanted to take part and host me in his country be satisfied! Thus after visiting London I go to Spain, U.S.A and back through Ireland to Poland.

My adorable host in London was Marta which fed me and invited me to london policemen. I loved the trip!

czwartek, 6 lipca 2006

First we take...Berlin

Finally, after 3 days of postal trips, bunny_terminator got to Anna to Berlin to Galeria ZERO!