czwartek, 20 grudnia 2007

Bunny Terminator and Mirella wish you all the best and manymany funky presents under your Christmas Tree!

click and shake your booty with us!

Nr 36 and 37

Christmas is coming and New Bunny Terminators are going to find the new Family!

This time nr 36 and 37 will go to MAGAZYN PRAGA where they will meet the new parent. Maybe they will meet new parent on the 24th of December and they will hug them under the Christmas tree?

If you are the new Parent of Bunny Terminator nr 36 or 37 don't be shy! Please write a few words to Mirella and send her your small photo and tell her where you have found your Bunny. She is waiting for this news!

This is the last photo of bunny nr 36. Last seen on Mirella's Christmas tree.

And here is bunny Terminator nr 37 last seen....yyyy

about PRZETWORY 2 and how number 20 and 35 have found new Mummies!

Thank you very much for those who came to see me at PRZETWORY 2 fair. It was such an extremely busy weekend. I didn't have time to go around and make friends with other companions. What a shame!!! Mirella had a wonderful forest inspired store where I had my corner and I showed people my travels on the notebook.


Two Bunny Terminator have found new families!!!

Here is Bunny Terminator nr 35. The photo was taken during PRZETWORY. This is my new Mum- PaniJulka !!! I lovelovelove her soooo much! She will be such a jolly good companion!

Here is bunny Terminator nr 20 who will go to Barcelona! Remember my last holidays in Spain, it was cold and raining cats and dogs and I couldn't admire the views? This time I will have opportunity to see Barcelona inside out with my 20th incarnation! Isn't it wonderful? Can't wait!

sooo once again, thank you and I am wainting for your photos!
send them to Mirella at

czwartek, 13 grudnia 2007

Bunny Terminator number 34

Bunny Terminator number 34 found his new Dad

Here nr 34 still at home.

My pre- winter holidays

Some time ago I was on pre-winter holidays with my papa Gaugan.
While my dad was bouncing again and again on his bottom I was happily admiring views from his jacket's pocket.
I didn't miss any day outside. At first I was reluctant to go anywhere but after a few shnaps I was sooo eager to have fun.

Here is my walking away and away from my dad.

Here is me after more shnaps when I wanted to runaway from my dad.

At this point my dad started to be a little bit worried about me because like he said I had been a little bit paranoid after a few shots that I wanted to jump f the mountain.
He reports that we had man-to-man talk and he persuaded me out of this stupid idea.

Eh, people do stupid things when they are drunk. Firstly, I wanted to make friends with local groundhog and then I messed with with a digger. I must admit, that since I lost my carrot, stupid things come to my mind. Maybe it is some kind of trauma, rejection syndrom.

We really had good time there together. I always have! I love those men snowboard trips! It is such a fun!

P.s from Mirella:
This Bunny Termnator is one of very first that I did. He is a little bit bigger and fatter and has pea inside. Considering his wet travels I come to conclusion, that peas weren't a good idea at all. Throughout a year the desing of future BunnyTerminator has slightly changed and he has become smaller and more portable. However, Gaugan's BunnyTerminator is a unique and one of the first ever produced by me and has a special place in my heart. Soon I will present you with pictures of some of the first copies of BunnyTerminators!

Stay tuned.

piątek, 7 grudnia 2007

read about me

If you are from Poland take . There is an article on Christmas presents and I am mentioned there as one of them. So read the article and then buy me at If you do it, we will have lots of fun! I promise!

Read about me here.

Aaaaaannnnd next week, I am going with Mahler to Los Angeles and Santa Monica. I will meet Britney, Paris and take some sun.
I can't wait. So stay tuned.

niedziela, 25 listopada 2007

Wilanów, Poland

Soon I will go to L.A so I am enjoying my time with Mirella.
She took me today to the Wilanów Palace (see the map below). The original plan was to visit park but since there is winter coming, there was little to see. We didn't go inside the Palace either. We postponed it until further notice.
See what we did to make up for the inconvinience we suffered. I sound really formal today. That is because I plan to be a King soon, so mind my official language.

November is a month of Lonely Forgotten Mittens and Gloves. I feel so depressed when I see them only in one piece.
I was looking around for the possible owner, but there was no one around.

I told you I went today to see some royality.

Here is a Merman. I couldn't find his companion Mermaid. There were two Mermen on the opposite sites. Gay!!!

Here is a cross-eyed mistress...

and her cross-eyed master...

You know I like animals and I make friends with other spicies very easily. Mr. Lion looks very fierce. Almost like me, hihi. I like his whiskers or, better to say, the lack of them. Really cute and stylish.

When I was in Mexico last year I met one octopus- Pulpa. We were swimming in the swimming pool and having fun together. This one was trapped in the blue car with blue lights and it seemed to me that she even went blue herself from all this. Who knows, maybe she feels blue as well. Poor local pulpa.

I took pity on this poor, little, forgotten pulpa and decided to pray for her a bit by the holly spring.

I don't know why The Holly Mary was looking up when I was just below her. She pretended not to see me. Rude.

I was wondering what is the reason that: Dogs are not allowed on the premises. Maybe they are deeply concerned about the lions, mermen, owls, birds, and cross-eyed mistresses. Who knows...

Here is me hiding from the lions and bodyguards. If dogs are not allowed, who knows, maybe little bunny terminator either.

This one is good. It is Biedornki Street aka Ladybird Street.

At the end: bye bye to all of you. Greetings from Poland!

poniedziałek, 19 listopada 2007

my 33rd Twin

Hi there!
This is my 33rd BunnyTerminatorTwin who will go to Tosia.

As you can see Mirella did a special travelling bag with friut and passport.

I was jealeous of this bag! I wanted to carry it for a moment.

But he didn't like it. So I gave it back to him. Mummy, mummy I want the same bag, pleeeaaassseee!

5 minutes befor leaving, he made friends with a local fluffy animals and went to the new home!

Hope we will see Tosia's and BunnyTerminator new adventures here soon.

niedziela, 4 listopada 2007

in Łódź visiting Ikona Gallery and taking part in myspace_ldz project

Do you remember my last meeting with you in real in Ikona Gallery in 19 Fabryczna Street in Łódź?
If not, look here and here
Uh, I looked pretty messy almost jackonlike. I spent like 3 months travelling in the box and getting to know post office regulations in different corners of the world. The worst postal services are in Spain. I haven't tried Italian so far, but it seems to me that only Italian could be worse. After this Bunny Terminator Tour exhibition I went to Florida where I had a car accident and after that I moved to Los Angeles where I underwent some plastic surgery and thanks to it I look like I look right now. I only need some lifting of my ears after my travel to Amsterdam.

So after a year I visited Ikona. A beautiful gallery in Księży Młyn.

I stood on the very same line as a year before...

Mirella hasn't changed much since that time. The same juvenille smile :)

Mirella was in Łódź doing businesses. She took part in myspace_ldz project. The street project aimed at restoring old shopping cases. Mirella's case was situated at 1 Narutowicza Str, near a shop for hunters. Who lives in Łódź is invited to visit.
Here is me with her project.

myspace_ldz case project
myspace_ldz case project (detail)

btw there are also some other skeleton animals in Łódź.

ciao for now!

Antwerp, Belgium

Hey ho!
I forgot that during my trip to Amsterdam, the City of Sin, I also visited Antwerp in Belgium.

I am a family guy. Mothers and kids in Antwerp adore me!

Esspecially Lena!

I was really sad (see my ears?) when we had to come back to Amsterdam. She became my little friend.