wtorek, 18 września 2007

memories from Spanish patrol station somewhere in the middle of nowhere

I forgot to show you what I saw during our travels in Spain. This misterious machine was designed to wash pets. Looking good from the outside however breathtaking from the inside. As you will see on the movies below it wasn't only breathaking but also furr taking.

How wonderful that my Mom didn't come up with an idea to throw coins and wash me. God bless my thoughtful Mirella!

This is me inside on no massage mode.

Those animals look happy.......

loser...faker...he was murdered in this machine for sure.

...it is written however that they take some precautions and measures.....

....but that is only brainwashing vs "fur taking". Animals must have died in there! believe me! Howelse could you justify this fact?

Moreover, on the previos movie there was a broken glass as if somebody wanted to rescue his pet from being whrilled to death.
Be aware of such machines! Have mercy!
Thank you!
your bunny_terminator

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